This is going to be a sportscast and also tech, gadgets and the world wide web reviews. The premier league in England a brief run through of the current situation. Major League Baseball, brief coverage of the state of play at the minute and a story which is well known about a sports fan who made a big mistake during a play off game. Tech News...a guy with a downloading fixation. My first meeting with an IPad..very positive review, excellent case for the IPad with a keyboard attached. IPad rival, the Samsung Galaxy Tab, looks good but why buy that when you could get an IPad ? Apple trying to get a patent so they can control the product they sold you......Big Brother? New 3D products on the way. Google Goggles coming to IPhone. New Firefox looks interesting...coming soon. New rss reader that looks a good piece of software. Music site that finds music from all over the net. Everyone knows Spotify for your music but has a new addon which can incorporate your music library.
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